Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The state of the union is... bankrupt

Okay, I just didn't have the strength to watch the State of the Union address, but I am catching up through some of my favorite blogs. For a well-written, serious analysis, try Think Progress. For instance:
Cutting the Deficit

President Bush said: “Next week I will send you a budget that… stays on track to cut the deficit in half by 2009.”

FACT: In his calculations, the president is using a deficit number which excludes funding for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, the administration’s $2.5 trillion proposal to extend tax cuts, and the administration’s $2 trillion Social Security package.
But if you just want to be amused (who doesn't?), it's always best to check the Wonkette for her inspired live-blogging. Here's a short sample:
9:05 Ladies and Gentlemen: that guy.... did that guy just try to kiss him? I know I would.
9:06 Frist has dead cat under arm. No, wait, has dead cat as tie.
And it just gets better.


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