Tuesday, December 28, 2004

I'm back!

Finally, high speed internet access! I was using my brother's dial-up, which is just impossible for anything but e-mail (and then only if you have a good book handy to read between messages). I've also been news deprived-- what have I missed?

Huge earthquake/tsunami kills thousands in Asia. Bush is sending $15 million to help. Americablog points out that that's equivalent to what we spend in Iraq every 2 hours. Nice guy that George W. Update: Now we're sending another $20 million.

Yushchenko won the second Ukrainian election. The first election was "won" by the incumbant Yanukovych, but everything about that election looked fradulent and a repeat election was ordered. Now, of course, Yanokovych is claiming fraud, but international observers thought that this election (as opposed to the first one) was on the up and up.

More locally, the recount in Washington's governor's race changed the results and now the democrat won by 130 votes! Wild. The GOP may challenge. But seriously, do these people understand anything about error analysis?? It was a tie! It was so far within the margin of error that it's impossible to know who won. But, following the Bush strategy Gregoire should just claim a mandate and do whatever she wants.


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