Thursday, December 02, 2004


Okay, now the main reason I was supposed to start this blog is to pass on interesting news. So the most recent news to catch my attention is the CBS/NBC refusal to air an ad by the United Church of Christ. Now, the ad is really amazing. It shows how inclusive the UCC is. I am not religious and I actually avoid religion when I can -- and that's partly due to how most religions seem to have very obvious hierarchies, and I'm usually on the losing end of their hierarchy. Women are subordinant to men, being gay is sinful, etc. Why would I want to go someplace where I'm constantly reminded that I'm not considered to be as "good" or as "worthy" as someone else? (which raises the question of why I chose to attend grad school, but that's another story).

So anyway, this ad (see it here) shows a church that is actually inclusive-- everyone is welcome. It sort of amazed me. Then I saw that these major networks rejected the ad because it's "controversial" and because it seems like something the president wouldn't agree with. Since when should a public television station worry about upsetting the president of the United States? Sure, that's how it works in China or Russian, but this is America! It's ridiculous. Here's the press statement released by the UCC And here are a couple articles about the story: lemur and cnn

Americablog points out that the big news organizations are calling the UCC a "liberal church" though they have never used the adjective "conservative" to label the Catholic or Baptist churchs. Clearly the so-called liberal media bias leaves a bit to be desired.

And most importantly, here's where you can write to complain and


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