Thursday, January 06, 2005

New Year's resolutions

Via Higher Pie: An article called "Resolutions For The Damned A new year, a Bush-gutted, storm-ravaged world and you in need of some juicy, heartfelt pledges"

First he convinces us that we need resolutions.
"Alas, many are dejected. Many of the blue or Democratic or progressive or open-minded persuasion are understandably heading into 2005 feeling a bit out of sorts, depressed and bitter and angry and still just a little appalled at the apparent widespread fear-induced ignorance of a country that somehow re-elected the worst president in U.S. history. Yes, still."

And so he offers some suggestions:
"1) Knowing full well that BushCo loves nothing more than a numb, dumbed-down, slothlike populace too uninformed and uncaring and spiritually comatose to speak out against his nasty war and various aww-shucks policy mutilations, vow this year to blow this inane perspective to the karmic ether."

And since most of my friends are too lazy to go read the article themselves, here's the end (which is the best part):
8)"Finally and perhaps most importantly, resolve to do all this even as you laugh more vigorously than ever at the divine circus of it all, at the great cosmic joke, realizing that these next four years are going to be just shockingly painful to anyone with a heart or a whisper of raw spirituality or the slightest hint of true environmental concern.

"And yet there you are, shaking your head and sighing and grinning mischievously and moving forward anyway, as you crank your own personal vibration as much as humanly possible because that, really, is all you can do, and all you can ever do, and it is so desperately needed right now I can't even tell you, and because if you resolve anything this year, resolve to realize how essential you are to moving it all forward, making it all better, bringing it all into more divine focus."


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