Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Grocery shopping in Boulder

Well, I lasted as long as I could on granola bars and what I could find in my Christmas stocking, but today I had to make my first big grocery shopping trip. Now, Boulder is an interesting place-- I knew that already. A liberal enclave in a rural, red state. Interestingly enough, you can tell that just by visiting a King Soopers (the large, chain grocery store near my house). The first thing I noticed were the yoga DVDs at the end of the aisles near the cash registers (the impulse buy section). Then I ran across the organic pasta aisle, which could easily rival what you would find at any Whole Foods (I can't wait to check out the Whole Foods in town). They did sell meat (thank goodness), but they seemed to have vegetarian options for almost everything -- even Stagg vegetarian chili, who knew that existed?

But, most importantly, for someone who's been trapped on the east coast/midwest for 7 years, was the selection of hot sauces and salsas. After the bland midwest, where they don't sell hot salsa, just medium and mild, and the east coast, which is ever so slightly better, I am looking forward to some good spicy Mexican food. Oh, happiness.


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