Saturday, January 08, 2005

Virginia to lock up women who have miscarriages

Well, pretty close anyway. There is proposed legislation to make it a crime if you have a miscarriage and don't report it in the first 12 hours. There's more information about this law on the Democracy for Virginia website.

"It sounds preposterous to talk about criminalizing women who suffer miscarriages, but one Virginia legislator is proposing just that. HB1677, “Report of Fetal Death by mother, penalty” is a bill introduced by John A. Cosgrove (R) of Chesapeake. Cosgrove’s bill requires any woman who experiences “fetal death” without a doctor’s assistance to report this to the local law-enforcement agency within twelve hours of the miscarriage. Failure to do so is punishable as a Class 1 Misdemeanor."

That means you can earn up to a year in jail and a $2500 fine. For having a miscarriage.

"The reality, though, is that countless women experience spontaneous abortions in the first few gestational weeks without even being aware of pregnancy, so not all pregnancies of early gestational age are reported."

Are those women criminals, too? This is a ridiculous law and it really should not be passed. If you live in Virginia, call your state congressman and tell them your opinion. Or send them an email. Women who have a miscarriage are dealing with enough grief-- there's no reason they should suffer this further indignity.


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