Monday, March 21, 2005

Racial privilege and the poor

I just read a great article on white privilege and poverty. It makes some good points that I've often thought of myself, but I've never been able to express them so well. White privilege exists, even for the poor (perhaps especially for the poor), but there is a flip side:
"First, because the poverty and welfare issues have been racialized, the white poor have been rendered largely invisible. On the one hand, this extends the privilege of not being the ones scapegoated for the problems of the underclass; but on the other hand, personal invisibility renders one’s very real suffering invisible as well. And if the white poor are off the radar screen--because the public is so angrily focused on the supposed depredations of the black and brown poor--it will become harder to address the economic needs of the white poor too."
Read the whole article, if you can. It gave me a lot to think about, particularly some aspects of white privilege that hadn't occurred to me before.


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