Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Suspended animation (for mice)

Very interesting... "Scientists have induced a state close to suspended animation in a mammal for the first time, a long-sought achievement that could lead to a host of medical advances for people."

"Slowing metabolic functions to a near standstill preserves organs and other tissues. That could, for example, give critically ill patients awaiting organ transplants more time, keep patients suffering severe blood loss from car accidents or gunshot wounds alive long enough to get transfusions and surgery, minimize damage from heart attacks and strokes, and help minimize the side effects of cancer chemotherapy and radiation."
Way cool!

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Did you ever wish there was a real Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? Well, there is. Check out this story about it. Then go and add your own wisdom to it.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

New inventions

This article describes a couple of cool inventions. One is a transmitter that allows an individual to hear sound, while the person next to her hears nothing:
"It works by sending a focused beam of sound above the range of human hearing. When it lands on you, it seems like sound is coming from inside your head."
How convenient would that be when you want to listen to music loudly in the office-- even the best headphones seem to "leak" enough that your officemate is bothered.

The other invention, though, is even better:
"One of his most recent patents is for the AirScooter, a personal flying machine designed for commuting. It reaches speeds up to 55 mph and is light enough — under 300 pounds — to not require a license to fly."

Right out of the Jetsons, man. I want one!! But something tells me that machine would be regulated even more harshly than the Segway, if it ever becomes popular. Ah well, I suppose I'll just stick with my Prius...