Interesting links
Here are a couple links I've found lately. I don't have enough information to vouch for them, but they're worth checking out. If you know anything I don't, post it in the comments section.
Quackwatch: "Your Guide to Quackery, Health Fraud, and Intelligent Decisions"
The Skeptic's Dictionary: Includes topics ranging from Alternative medicine to UFOs. And it's searchable!
Oh, and I should mention a couple of my favorite links, which I do heartily recommend and vouch for:
Snopes: never forward a "true" e-mail without checking here first. It's good for finding out the truth about all urban legends.
The Straight Dope: "Fighting ignorance since 1973 (It's taking longer than we thought)." Answers to all those questions you were afraid to ask, and many questions you never even thought of asking.