So, there's this article about how most travelers want to keep the
ban on cell phones in airplanes. An actual quote from the article:
"Many frequent fliers view their time in the sky as their only downtime on a hectic business trip. The absence of cell phones increases the odds that they'll be able to nap, read or think."
Now, here's my question. Who thinks of the time they spend on a plane as relaxing?? Let's see, I want to get away, refresh myself-- I know! I'll go on a plane trip. I'll just get a round trip ticket, go right there and back. Never leave the airport. I can't think of anything more relaxing.
Who are these people?
Granted, cell phone conversations on planes might get annoying. But I think they rank below: crying babies, the kid behind me who keeps kicking my seat, the person in front of me who insists on reclining her chair DURING TAKEOFF, oh, and the person sitting next to me who has brought nothing to do, no book, no magazine, nothing, because they plan to chat with their seatmate (i.e. me) through the WHOLE FLIGHT. Yeah, cell phone chatter wouldn't really stand out in terms of annoyance. In fact, I'd really prefer if that person next to me had brought a cell phone to chat on instead of spending the flight looking over my shoulder to read my book and comment on it.