Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Quote of the day from Taegan:

"I can play hardball as well as anybody. That's what I did, cut people's hearts out."

-- Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN), a former heart surgeon, quoted by the New York Times.

Sure, Republicans are heartless, but who knew the Majority leader actually performed the surgeries?

The state of the union is... bankrupt

Okay, I just didn't have the strength to watch the State of the Union address, but I am catching up through some of my favorite blogs. For a well-written, serious analysis, try Think Progress. For instance:
Cutting the Deficit

President Bush said: “Next week I will send you a budget that… stays on track to cut the deficit in half by 2009.”

FACT: In his calculations, the president is using a deficit number which excludes funding for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, the administration’s $2.5 trillion proposal to extend tax cuts, and the administration’s $2 trillion Social Security package.
But if you just want to be amused (who doesn't?), it's always best to check the Wonkette for her inspired live-blogging. Here's a short sample:
9:05 Ladies and Gentlemen: that guy.... did that guy just try to kiss him? I know I would.
9:06 Frist has dead cat under arm. No, wait, has dead cat as tie.
And it just gets better.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Will they get tiny mouthguards, too?

This is just too funny. Via Simianbrain: Senator wants boxing gloves on chickens


SpongeBob isn't straight either.